Starred Dinner - Flavours of the Sea with Chef Chris Oberhammer
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Starred Dinner - Flavours of the Sea with Chef Chris Oberhammer
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Starred Dinner - Flavours of the Sea with Chef Chris Oberhammer
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Starred Dinner - Flavours of the Sea with Chef Chris Oberhammer
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Starred Dinner - Flavours of the Sea with Chef Chris Oberhammer
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Starred Dinner - Flavours of the Sea with Chef Chris Oberhammer

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Starred Dinner - Flavours of the Sea with Chef Chris Oberhammer

To complete the reservation, a deposit is required. The amount of the deposit is 30,00€ per person.

The cost is per person excluding wine.

Starred Dinner - Flavours of the Sea with Chef Chris Oberhammer
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Starred Dinner - Flavours of the Sea with Chef Chris Oberhammer
Starred Dinner - Flavours of the Sea with Chef Chris Oberhammer
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Starred Dinner - Flavours of the Sea with Chef Chris Oberhammer
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